Pink Grapes - Vin Rosé

Pink Grapes - Vin Rosé
Every day that I was in Antibes, Antibes Juan-les-Pins, Monaco and Nice I documented my travels. These writings also included my observations of French dogs and cats, French drivers and observations on the art of French conversation. After I returned to the States, I printed out my 'books', had them professionally spiral bound with beautiful grey-lavender covers which featured an original Lavender painting on each one. They were wrapped with sheer ribbons and crepe paper and then mailed to the friends in France and Germany that mean so much to me ... and ensured my wonderful time in the French Riviera.
Five years ago, with my first exhibition in Germany, our regional newspaper asked me to record my travels - they were interested in featuring my journeys in the Bethlehem section of the newspaper each week. Every day I wrote and typed and each week I emailed my travels and each week the newspaper printed them - for six continuous weeks. It was a wonderful discipline. I had the idea to create a book for all of the persons that touched my life in Schwaebisch Gmuend ... and I think it made for a very nice present. On the cover of each Schwaebisch Gmuend book, I created an ink drawing of the German half-timbered houses and roof-tops. The painted Lavender cover of my Antibes book is a nice complement to my Schwaebisch Gmuend book.
I highly recommend to you travelers and book lovers to try it yourself ... Christmas is coming and wouldn't it make for a lovely gift for someone special in your life.
If you would like to purchase a 6" x 6" oil painting on stretched canvas that you see on this site, or commission a painting that is special to you, please email me.
These paintings are priced at $100.00 plus s/h.
Thank You!
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