Apple 7

Apple 7
Well, today I ordered my cell phone to use in Antibes, France. I also received approval for the Hudson Valley Wine Festival poster which I will upload for all to see before I depart.
This has been a bit of a stressful journey thus far .... I can't even begin to tell you. And ... my opening exhibition will be on July 3rd - THE DAY THAT I ARRIVE !!! So .... no relaxing wine on the plane .... no 'oh, my luggage didn't arrive, that's ok' ... no few days to psyche myself up and try on various outfits .... BUT .... it's Antibes. The trip of a lifetime. The French Riviera.
And ... no matter what happens ... as long as everyone stays healthy and happy back in the US of A, everything should be ok. I already have my 20 rolls of slide film -- what a French 'Fete' we shall have when I return !!!!
Voila !!
If you would like to purchase a 6" x 6" oil painting on stretched canvas that you see on this site, or commission a painting that is special to you, please email me.
These paintings are priced at $100.00 plus s/h.
Thank You!
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