New Year's Eve

Antibes Joyeux Noël
Today is New Year's Eve ... and I'm home thinking about what the new year will bring. I hope for health and happiness for my friends and family ... but I also hope for some things to formulate in my life as well.
I want to continue to de-accumulate the 'stuff' in my apartment ... great stuff, but just too much stuff - and less is more as they say. I hope to increase the marketing of my paintings and prints and resume my 'Painting Each Day' project.
I hope to increase my skill as an artist and continue to explore the creation of large colorful and abstracted works.
And maybe, just maybe, I will find the man of my dreams ... and live in the town of my dreams ... 'Paradis sur Terre' and for those who know me, you know where that is ...
Wishing you a Happy and Healthy New Year to You and Yours ~
I want to continue to de-accumulate the 'stuff' in my apartment ... great stuff, but just too much stuff - and less is more as they say. I hope to increase the marketing of my paintings and prints and resume my 'Painting Each Day' project.
I hope to increase my skill as an artist and continue to explore the creation of large colorful and abstracted works.
And maybe, just maybe, I will find the man of my dreams ... and live in the town of my dreams ... 'Paradis sur Terre' and for those who know me, you know where that is ...
Wishing you a Happy and Healthy New Year to You and Yours ~