Pomegranate III

Well, Thursday evening I was driving home from my studio in Bethlehem. I was about two blocks from my home when I was driving under the train trestle. Well, I heard a huge noise ... not unlike an airplane motor ... and thought Wow is that train loud. Well, as it turned out the loud noise was my car. Ouch. I did make it home and the next day had my 20 year old but always very reliable car towed to my mechanic's shop. Well, now it's Monday and I still haven't heard a peep. I'm thinking they're still totaling up the bill. Ouch again.
Now, having read this, if you come to my studio at the Banana Factory and see a painting that you just MUST have - for yourself or a loved one - please make a fair offer and I'll probably even do a little better than that - 'In keepin' with the situation!' as Mrs. Dilbert expressed to Scrooge ...
For now, I'm donning my running shoes and heading out the door for the 6.9 mile walk. It'll do me good ... fresh air, exercise ... and I'll be saving $2.00 if I don't take the bus. In Antibes I walked many, many miles each day ... sadly, walking from Allentown to Bethlehem is just not the same as walking around the Cap d'Antibes ... the blue skies, the even bluer water, the yachts, the palm trees, the grand estates ... the aroma of lavender in the air ...
Ahhh, one can dream, can't one ?
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If you would like to purchase a 6" x 6" oil painting on stretched canvas that you see on this site, or commission a painting that is special to you, please email me.
These paintings are priced at $100.00 plus s/h.
Thank You!
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