Plum Tomatoes

Plum Tomatoes
Certainly I have had a lot of fun with 'red' in the last few days. I visited the 'Valley Farm Market' and purchased a stock of produce from the discount shelf ... of course knowing that I would paint them and grill them in the next couple of days.
I am starting to learn about my exceptional Olympus camera. It's the E620. The Banana Factory held a class this weekend - and sad for me, I didn't read the brochure to know about it until it was too late. So ... for now, I'm photographing with the AUTO option ... and with the wonderful 'filter' feature - loving the grainy black and white setting. Did I mention how lightweight this camera is which will be a blessing when I'm lugging around my 17" laptop, purse and anything that is absolutely necessary when I'm strolling the streets of beautiful Antibes this summer.
Speaking of Antibes, today is the six week countdown. The plan is to eat better, exercise every day (I'll be doing a LOT of walking in the South of France), getting my apartment and studio in order, cleaning out all closets and donating excess to charity. I will be bringing my 'Painting Each Day' canvases to Antibes and posting them daily to my blogging website ... so, if you would like to reserve a painting ahead of time, just let me know. Antibes has a wonderful 'Marche Provencal' which I will be visiting each morning, selecting luscious French produce and painting them on the patio of my villa !!!
Ahhh ... beautiful France ...

If you would like to purchase a 6" x 6" oil painting on stretched canvas that you see on this site, or commission a painting that is special to you, please email me.
These paintings are priced at $100.00 plus s/h.
Thank You!
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