Thursday, April 10, 2008

Banana and the Apple Core

Banana and the Apple Core

The Banana

The Banana has finally arrived at the party -
The Birds were too early, the Turtles were tardy.
The Squirrels brought the nuts and the Grapes brought the wine,
The Goats brought the cheese -- The weather's divine!

The Lemons and Limes were mixing the drinks.
Parcheesi and Scrabble and Tiddly Winks
Were playing their games and sipping Champagne -
The Banana was flirting all night with Plantain.

The Squares were all dancing with Dosies and Does
The Apples were bobbing, the Thorn and the Rose
Sparked a budding romance, but it's now getting late -
The Cuckoo has chirped 'It's the end of the date'.

The Full Moon is yawning, the Clock chimed 'good-night'.
The Snails bid 'Adieu' and the Geese were in flight.
The Rooster and Hen were asleep at the wheel -
The Banana had split and left only its peel.

Composed by: Ann Elizabeth Schlegel

If you would like to purchase a 6" x 6" oil painting on stretched canvas that you see on this site, or commission a painting that is special to you, please email me.

These paintings are priced at $100.00 plus s/h.

Thank You!

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Blogger Jeff Mahorney said...

I just love the last 4 paintings including this one. I really like the others too but these seem richer/deeper or maybe more serious for some reason. I also really like the brush strokes. Have you changed anything up in your technique? Either way, I'm really digging these. :)

9:42 AM  
Blogger PaintingEachDay said...

Thank you so much for the great comment ! Well, the thing is that I haven't had all the time to paint these last few paintings, so I am feeling that the quick brush strokes have worked in my favor.

Also, I love the rich crimson colors along with the ochres and greens of the apple. And, the lucky thing is that there are no pesky words or logos to reproduce ...

... only pure fleeting paint.

Thank you again !!!

11:29 PM  

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