Fullers • this painting is sold
2005 Vintage. Pours a dark amber hued brown, with a frothy one finger head that settles quickly to a soapy cap. The lacing is thick, coating most of the inside of my glass. Smell; starts out a bit spicy, with an abundance of dark fruits. Figs and dates are present as well as some hints of chocolate and caramel. Some alcohol is floating around in the background. Taste; the caramel and chocolate hit me at first, and then the dark fruits come out with figs, dates a touch of cherries. The spiciness mixes with a bit of earthy hoppiness and alcohol that gives this a bit of a scotch like quality to the finish. And there’s a definite warming in the throat and stomach. Mouthfeel is medium bodied with a moderate carbonation that gives this a nice smoothness, and helps give this a dangerously high drinkability.
This commentary was written by 'RedHaze' describing the Fuller's Vintage 2005 English Ale.
Well done! .... and thank you Dave and Sharon for the wonderful birthday gift!! Not only a pleasure to taste, but a pleasure to paint.
If you would like to purchase this 6" x 6" oil painting on stretched canvas, please email me. This painting is priced at $100.00 plus s/h.
info@annelizabethschlegel.com Thank You!
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