Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Abbot Ale

Abbot Ale

Back in 1992 I spent three weeks touring England and Scotland. My friend Sarah and her parents owned a beautiful 1800s Country Club in Lancashire. We traipsed all over London, Sussex, Essex, Glasgow and Edinburgh.

Well, I loved the English Ale so much that I brought home 34 full cans of beer in my shoe bag. The authorities stopped my bag as it was going through the x-ray machine ... and thankfully, let it pass.

I still have some of the cans from my trip. Abbot Ale certainly is one of my favorites.

One beer lover remarked: Pours a nice amber colour with about a quarter inch of fine white head. drops quickly to a ring around the glass and leaves minimal lace. Aroma is nice; bready malt and floral hops and toffee. Taste is good. Moderate bitterness and nice bready malt. Fairly simple and straightforward, but nice. Mouthfeel is good. fairly light bodied. lightly carbonated, closer to a cask ale. Light astringency. Drinkability is good. The bitterness is moderate, but lingers. Well balanced and enjoyable.

If you would like to purchase this 6" x 6" oil painting on stretched canvas, please email me. This painting is priced at $100.00 plus s/h.

Thank You!


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